
I'll Be Home for Christmas....

Mike and I went to Utah for Christmas! It was a whole lot of fun hanging out with our families and leaving all our cares here in Oklahoma! Here are some pics to sum up our stay!
Singing Christmas Carols

Playing Games

Building Gingerbread Houses

New Blanket from Grandma
Christmas Morning and our new GPS

We hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas because we sure did. Thanks to all our family and friends who made it really special!


Let it Snow

We are in Utah, and right now, as I type this, it is snowing outside. And it is absolutely beautiful. Snow is one of those things that you don't know how wonderful it is until you never have it anymore....like in Oklahoma.
Let it Snow!!


Bus Stop Forecast

I went outside today without a coat on


I love Oklahoma weather sometimes.


Matching Shoes

I may be the biggest dork ever, but it just so happens that I don't really care. I did a little Christmas shopping yesterday, and came across a pair of mens shoes on clearance that I wanted. So I bought them. Merry Christmas to me....from me. Then I came home and showed Mike and pretty much begged him to let us go back and buy him a pair so that we could have matching shoes. He gave in....fairly easily. So now Mike and I have matching shoes. And it really makes me so excited! I feel like a 3 year old, I really don't want to ever take them off. I love having the same shoes as Mike. We are like twinners!And don't worry, in normal every day wearing circumstances, I wouldn't let Mike wear his black church socks with them. And I am hoping he would never want to.

Dear Utah, I miss you but don't worry, I will be there in
days! Please provide us with good flying weather so that we can get there on time.
Love, Me


Thunder Game

My work has season tickets to the Oklahoma Thunder and this past Friday, I got the tickets! They played the Boston Celtics, so needless to say, we lost pretty bad. But we still had a great time and our seats were pretty decent!
The parking garage that we parked in downtown for the game, gave every car the chance to get their money back for parking by giving the chance to shoot a free throw. If you make the shot, you get 5 dollars cash. Yes, Mike is just that amazing. He definitely made the shot. I am so proud. Here is his proud and crisp 5 dollar bill.
I have to admit though, my favorite part of the night was going home to my new KitchenAid Mixer that my parents got us for Christmas! We got it on our porch that day and I couldn't have been more excited! I just hugged the box and kept whispering I love you to it. And of course, I was up early the next morning putting it to use by making some chocolate chip cookies.
I am counting down the days until we get to go home for Christmas. Its a double whammy for both Mike and I. We get to see our families and I don't have to go to work and he doesn't have to go to school!

days to go!


Thanksgiving in Houston

Mike and I were lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving in Houston with Mike's brothers family! We spent a relaxing few days just hanging out with family and playing with our cute niece and nephew! We did some Black Friday shopping, ate some amazing Costco pizza, and went to Kemah...which is a town right on the coast. They have a pier with rides, games and restaurants. We ate at an aquarium restaurant, which the kids loved. We are so grateful to have family still so close to us here in Oklahoma! While we were there, our car got hit while parked in front of Mike's brothers house. Dumb guy just didn't pay attention while pulling out of his driveway. So now, our car is in the shop....being fixed after being hit for the 6th time. Next time it gets hit, I am getting rid of it. It has a hex on it or something.