About Us

Accountant. Stripes. Masterpiece Theatre. Red. Musicals.
Hair+Makeup. Hugs. Sweatpants. Diet Coke. Running.
Hans Zimmer. Reading. Sleep. Baker. Budgets.

Attorney. Jeopardy. Pizza. Nerf guns. 80's movies.
Hugh Jackman. Sports. Cover bands. Potato Chips. Hiking.
Adventures. Discounts. OU Football.

Born and raised in Utah. 
Met {but didn't date} in high school.
Parted ways and came back together {through letters} while Mike was on his church mission in Panama.
Held hands the day he got home.
Engaged two and a half months later.
Married four months later in the LDS Bountiful Utah Temple.

Best decision ever.

Lived in Utah for two years, gradutating from the University of Utah.
{Abby in Accounting, Mike in Poli Sci}
Then moved to Oklahoma where Mike attended law school.

In our quest to become official grown ups, we decided to settle near family in Utah with the purchase of our first home.