
What Our Last Few Days Were Like: {D.C.}

Our last few days in D.C. were spent checking off all the things that we hadn't done {and even a few that we had} from our tourist to-do list.

Ford's Theatre {where Lincoln was shot}
The house where Lincoln died {that right there is the bed that he died in. couldn't decide if we should smile in this picture or not. but we went for it.}
Mount Vernon
Library of Congress
Vietnam Memorial 
World War II Memorial
It was the chance of a lifetime to be able to go to Washington D.C. for the Summer. I am so proud of my husband and how hard he worked to be able to have an opportunity to do something like this. It was so fun to be able to have enough time to see all the sites that Washington D.C. has to offer.
I am also very glad to be out of that city. I am grateful to be able to go out past dark. I am grateful to be out of the humidity. And to have not just my entire wardrobe back, but actually be able to wear my entire wardrobe! That darn D.C. forced me to wear skirts, boy shorts, and light colored shirts every.single.day. I am glad to have a car. And I'm very much glad to not live in a city.
It's always good to have opportunities like this...now I'll never wonder if maybe the city life is the life for me. Now I know I am as suburb as they come.

1 comment :

  1. No more D.C. I'm dying to know what's next in the adventures of Mike and Abby!!
