

Another semester officially down. Mike finally got his grades.
(Okay, okay, a couple week's ago...I'm just getting around to blogging about it.)

Best semester yet!

And, once again, on the Dean's List.

My hubby is pretty superb.

P.S. And for all you folk that think that Mormon's just blog about how fabulous and perfect their lives are, my life is perfect. So HA! 

Totally kidding, obviously. Most of the time, I prefer to blog about the good things. Because nobody wants to hear all the whining and complaining. And the more I whine and complain, the worse the situation becomes, so if I blog about the bad, it makes the situation even worse. Therefore, most of my blogs will be good. My life is not perfect. But I would like to pretend that it is.

Going hiking tomorrow.....STOKED!!


  1. loved this post!! congrats mike!!! and i agree with the being positive thing... :)
